Some news from Routes

Written by Routes Co-Founder Daisy Jacobs, 20th March 2023

Dear friends and supporters of Routes. I'm writing today to share some big news, which is that I will be stepping down from my day to day role at Routes on 19th April 2023. 

This has been such a hard decision to make, but I have decided that now is the right time for me to make this change. I am so incredibly proud of our work at Routes, and of everything that we have built with our inspiring, committed and visionary team and board over the last five years. I am also very grateful to have had their full support in navigating this time of transition. Whilst I will be stepping down from my day to day role, I am so excited to be continuing to support and champion our work as a member of the board.

Photo above of the Routes team and board at our end of year celebration meal 2022

As well as being a Routes board member, my next steps will involve taking some time to rest, before embarking on a Churchill travel fellowship later this year (you can read more about that here!). At Routes, I'm delighted that Leyla will be stepping into the role of Founding Director, to continue leading the organisation towards our mission, and our formidable programmes team will keep delivering high quality, impactful programmes for the women we work with. We are also very excited to be welcoming a new Head of Business Development and Partnerships into the team very soon - watch this space for more on that!

As we mark Routes' fifth birthday, I feel very sad to be taking a step back from the direct delivery of the work we do, but equally so energised to know that there are people in the organisation who will keep driving us towards our mission. At a time when the day to day reality of the hostile asylum system is getting increasingly harsh, compassion, care and intentionality are more needed than ever. I know that our team will continue to create the impact we want to see, with joy and deep thought, and I am so proud to be staying on the board to continue to support our impact.

Photo above from our first in person event after the pandemic: 'Routes: From Screen to Stage'

Some words from the board 

"We as Routes board members, want to thank Daisy for their immeasurable contribution to our organisation and community since its inception five years ago. It has been a privilege to witness their enthusiasm, compassion and skill. Daisy has been fundamental in developing innovative, uplifting and person-centred programmes for women with experience of seeking safety in the UK, and has driven our collective strategy and mission. The passion and ability to foster meaningful connection that is at the core of all Daisy’s work, is what makes Routes such an extraordinary organisation. We unanimously support Daisy’s decision to step down from their role as Executive Director, and are delighted that we will continue to benefit from their insight on the board in future. We wish Daisy every success in their next endeavours."

Some words from Leyla

“Routes has come a long way since we started in 2018, and it wouldn't have been possible to get to where we are now without Daisy. I'm so grateful for the collaboration, friendship and impact that has come out of working together, and so proud of what we have achieved in these past five years. I fully support Daisy's decision to step back, and I’m also excited to continue our working with them on the board of Routes.

I’m energised and excited to continue Routes' mission alongside our wonderful team. Routes will continue to fight for a UK where every woman who has sought asylum can build a fulfilling life. We know we want to support even more women over the next five years, and continue to do so with individualised and joyful support. The recent proposed changes to the asylum process will make life even more difficult for those seeking safety, but we will continue to innovate in the face of an ever-changing and increasingly hostile system.”

Photo above from our sixth mentoring programme celebration with mentors and mentees during the pandemic

Staying in touch

I will continue to be reachable on my Routes email address until 19th April, after which point I encourage you to reach out to Leyla, or another member of our team. Please also connect with me on LinkedIn if you'd like to stay in touch, and make sure to follow Routes on social media (LinkedIn / Twitter / Instagram) to stay up to date with our work!

Finally, I'd like to say thank you so much to everyone that I have had the privilege to work with and learn from in my day-to-day role over the last five years: from the 300+ mentors and mentees I have had the pleasure to meet and support, the 70+ organisations that have put their faith in our programmes, the inspiring facilitators and creatives who have shaped our work, and the countless coaches, champions and friendly faces that have supported both my personal growth and the growth of Routes since 2018. I hope you will continue to support and celebrate our work in the years to come, as I will. I truly can't wait to see how Routes continues to grow and flourish over the coming years, and am honoured to be staying a part of it.

With gratitude,



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