Lockdown Activities

Since lockdown began, many of us have been looking for ways to stay connected, creative and calm at home. We have compiled a list of some of our favourite online resources, from choirs to audiobooks, workouts to theatre shows and more…

Keep dreaming: audiobooks, stories and plays for all ages

  • Storyline Online: Storyline Online is a free online resource for remote learning during COVID-19. They stream videos featuring famous actors reading children’s books with creative illustrations.

  • Audible Stories: Instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including stories in eight different languages, which will help keep children and adults alike dreaming, learning, and imagining.

  • National Theatre At Home: The National Theatre is streaming its past performances on YouTube for free every Thursday since the beginning of lockdown. You can watch the plays on their Youtube channel (each new play stays up for one week after its live stream).

Sing together: online choirs

  • Citizens of the World Choir: Due to the COVID-19 emergency the Citizens of the World are now a FULLY ONLINE CHOIR! They are providing weekly rehearsals via Zoom as well as maintaining their strong support network to combat feelings of isolation and difficulty during this unprecedented period. If you are a refugee who would like to join their online singing community please email rachel@cotwchoir.com or DM us on their Twitter or Facebook pages.

  • Fire Choir: During this period of self-isolation, Fire Choir is bringing people from around the globe together for a weekly virtual singing session. Everyone is welcome – no experience and no preparation is necessary. Sessions are taking place weekly on Monday evenings at 7pm (UK time) via Zoom. Find the link to join every Monday here.

Move your body: online workouts to do at home

  • Natasha Noel: Natasha Noel has a selection of great online yoga videos, but we particularly like her Morning Joint Movements video to energise your body (whilst staying in bed!)

  • Jessamyn Stanley: Stay active whilst really looking after yourself and your body. Jessamyn’s 8-minute Yoga for Self-Love video is the perfect way to energise your body quickly and with love!

  • Khadijah Safari: Khadijah teaches women-only kickboxing classes (now online) and whilst the classes are not free to join (it costs £25/month for unlimited classes), she does post great home workouts on her Instagram page, like this one!

Do you have any more to add? Comment below if so and we’ll add to the list!


Mentoring Stories: Antonella Mandato


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