'Caring for a cohort' - a poem for our 8th cohort

We celebrated the end of our 8th cohort’s mentoring journeys at the end of August, bringing together mentors and mentees in person (and online, for those who couldn’t join us!) to reflect, share and celebrate their mentoring. Routes Mentoring Programme Manager, Wieke Vink, wrote and shared this poem for the cohort, to mark the end of their journeys…

Caring for a cohort

In this Anson room that speaks of old knowledge

With books holding stories of previous times

And rain finally - suddenly dropping on the roof

We gather here today to celebrate

The new steps that you took together

The stories that you told each other

The moments that you shared

As you have been collecting and compiling your knowledge

From across your fields of expertise

And all your experiences

As women, as leaders, as learners

As mentors and mentees

Sharing it in blogs and workshops and your CVs

Some of you have been drawing

All of you have been exploring

Stepping into the new

Working on learning that might be relevant to you

You’ve been building on -

The power of conversation

The power of listening

The power of clarity and repeated attention

That what is needed to make something grow

Like a plant climbing up the window sill

Finding its way to the sky, and the sun

In a room coming out of a pandemic

We’ve seen you share and feed into blooming conversations

As we’ve been working as a team

To provide the right types of nourishment and support

And it hasn’t been an easy time

With headlines and heatwaves putting pressure

In a system that gets harsher and harsher

Where we try to keep up

Try to keep our heads up

Keep lifting each other up

And are committed to staying connected

For we know

From those connections flow

The strengths of a cohort

The joys and the successes

There are now new courses on the horizon

New connections across your networks

New reflections on taking it forwards

And yet the biggest achievement of all is care

Care is not a soft skill

It is the hardwire of our societies

It is what holds us together

It is what builds bridges

What brings new policies, new possibilities into this world

So when we look back -

As we’ve been caring for this cohort

And seen all the care that you shared

We can feel nothing but proud

As we have seen you struggle and doubt

Learn and reflect


Thinking about

What you can do

What she can do

What we can do together

And as we leave tonight from this place

Where we’ve met new and familiar faces

Let’s take this into other spaces

This care and shared knowledge

From this group of women

From across London

From across the UK

Who want you to succeed

In your dreams and your daily lives

In your teams and your communities

In your aspirations and scholarship applications

In your strengths and public speaking

As we are speaking to you all today

Please join me in saying a big ‘HOORAY’

For the impact that you made, is here to stay 

And to continue, and to be built on

by Wieke Vink, Mentoring Programme Manager


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